This is a Bulletin issued following the very successful People, Politics and the Planet – Any Questions? Seminar which took place on the 21st July 2016 and chaired by Jonathan Dimbley. Further information about the Seminar can be found in the announcement in the box on the right of this page and the full bulletin can be found by clicking “Read more” on the right of this paragraph.
Prof. Edward Maltby and Prof. Mike Acreman of the The Sibthorp Trust, University of Liverpool UK and Centre for Ecology and Hydrology UK, with acknowledgement for funding support to the UK Government Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs presented this paper at the 2016 IUCN World Conservation Congress:…
You can hear an audio version of the presentation here
A project to identify and categorise the places in the UK where the conservation of nature and landscape comes first. For a century or more, conservation charities and public bodies of all kinds have managed areas of land and sea in the UK to …
Issue 1 Summer 2012
The first issue of the UK Protected Area Categories Club newsletter suuported by the IUCN National Committee United Kingdom, the World Commission on Protected Areas and The Sibthorp Trust.